Just in time for commencement season, SapientRazorfish is introducing Billi, the newest chatbot sensation and member of the SapientRazorfish interview squad.
For those graduates that are job hunting, Billi offers a way to attract the attention of the workforce’s next generation – through Snapchat. Billi is meant to be a fun experience that introduces talent to the company in an era when many organizations are leveraging unorthodox methods, such as social media contests and rapid-fire, in-person training programs, to attract top millennial talent in the digital transformation space.
Additionally, the chatbot can engage potential junior candidates through an optional quiz that focuses on Snapchat personality.
Want to experience Billi’s interview and find out what your Snapchat personality reveals? Click here and message “Hi” to SapientRazorfish’s Facebook page!
DIVERGE spoke to Briana Lion, Marketing Associate to find out more:
Where did the idea for this campaign come from?
The idea for Billi stemmed from how competitive attracting and engaging top junior talent has become. In today’s digital, connected world, it’s challenging for companies to break through the noise and capture the attention of desired candidates, especially millennials who are often pulled in many directions while job searching. That said, we wanted to think of a way we could take the creative technology we develop for clients and apply it to our recruiting efforts to create a unique, engaging experience for job seekers that would resonate with junior-level talent in a natural setting for this group. This led us to Billi – A chatbot that lives on Facebook Messenger and reveals what users’ best fit role at SapientRazorfish might be based on their “Snapchat personality.” Our aim is not to replace humans with bots, but rather to supplement our recruitment efforts in a fun way for junior talent.
Who is the team behind this?
The creation of Billi was started by our PR lead John Casey, and then turned into a true team effort, with SapientRazorfish AI, creative/branding, technology and HR teams all playing critical roles in the process. We had consistent support from our Chief Creative Officers Daniel Bonner and Anthony Yell, Global Head of Data & Artificial Intelligence Josh Sutton, as well as VP of Talent Acquisition, Kristina Palmer Shedd. I served as the project manager and was also primarily responsible for helping shape Billi’s personality with help from Grace Friedman, Employer Brand Lead.
What is the message that you hope to get across in this campaign?
When developing Billi, we wanted to create an experience that showcased SapientRazorfish’s creative and technology prowess, as well as our ability to think outside the box to drive digital transformation. Through interacting with Billi, potential junior talent will feel inspired to learn more about SapientRazorfish and the career opportunities we have to offer.
Why Snapchat?
The answer is simple: Millennials love Snapchat. According to eMarketer, millennials account for more than seven in 10 Snapchat users. With this in mind, we decided to focus the conversation with Billi solely on Snapchat so that it appeals to and resonates with our target audience. As with any outreach channel, knowing your audience is the foundation for success. Speaking to them in a language they understand and about topics they can relate to is key.
Why is this campaign significant?
Billi was born at a time when organizations must use innovative methods to adapt to today’s digital landscape if they want to stand out and, in some cases, survive. Our chatbot experience is significant because it represents just one of many unique ways that companies can transform their businesses. In this case, we demonstrated how hiring processes can be retooled to break through the noise while creating an engaging experience that resonates with talent.