“Tis the season to come together – from the far left to the far right and all the way up to the North Pole,” states https://www.bipartisancards.com, a holiday initiative from the brand response agency, DiMassimo Goldstein.
To address this election year and the divide, the agency created BiPartisan cards to let friends and family members with opposing views know that you still hope their holiday is filled with peace and joy – regardless of who they voted for.
Bipartisan Cards from DiMassimo Goldstein on Vimeo.
The team at DiMassimo Goldstein tells DIVERGE how the idea came to fruition:
Where did the idea for bipartisan cards come from?
Throughout the election year, there was a breakdown in relationships between family and friends. Whether it was a fight at the dinner table or on a Facebook wall, things got pretty heated. We saw the holiday season as a time to reconcile with those who still matter to us. And we wanted to help make that happen.
Who is the team behind it?
Several members of our DiGo team contributed to the idea. Art/design credits go to Matt Peters, Claudia Mark, Erica Grau, Katie Renfroe and Jorden Rooney. Writing credits go to Trevor Hickey and Dan Hickey, who are somehow unrelated. Creative direction credit goes to CCO Tom Christmann. We also brought in Matteo Stanzani to animate the video and Grand Reid produced the actual site.
What kind of interaction/feedback have you seen?
Lots of positive feedback and shares! Politics are a sensitive topic, so you never know exactly how it will go. But people have been very receptive to the idea and executions.
How long did it take to create?
The brainstorming began in mid-November and we officially launched on 12/15. It was a lot of work in a short amount of time, but we knew we could pull it off. It helps when a project is a lot of fun to work on.
Has your team sent them out to their friends?
Yes, we’ve sent out a few cards so far. We plan on sending out more.
How long will it stay live?
That’s TBD. We love the idea of making cards for other holidays, so that’s a possibility. It seems like we won’t be short on political material for quite some time.
Additional thoughts:
We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!