For parents that are wondering how to explain this election to their little ones, advertising agency barrettSF and the STUDIO have the answer.
The companies have partnered up to branch into the book business with “The Pumpkin and the Pantsuit,” a children’s storybook that is available –just in time for the presidential inauguration–on Amazon for $12 and at independent booksellers in select markets.
“A true story and cautionary tale of two big personalities who run against each other for the highest public office in the land (Spoiler Alert! The bullying Pumpkin wins) and the different ways they go about competing for the same prize,” the press release stated.
Published by Amazon, all proceeds from the book will go to the Children’s Defense Fund.
DIVERGE talked to barrettSF’s team to find out more:
Who is the team behind this book?
From barrettSF: Todd Eisner, Jamie Barrett and Pete Harvey – writers
From the STUDIO in NYC: Mike Ocasio, Alison Abitbol and Juan Carlos Mont – illustrators.
Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from a question Van Jones asked on election night, “How do we explain this election to our kids?” That resonated with all of us.
Why did you pick the pumpkin to represent Trump and the pantsuit to represent Hillary?
Hillary is synonymous with the Pantsuit. She’s to Pantsuits what Prince is to purple. Pumpkins are orange. And they have really tiny hands.
How long did this take?
About 9 weeks once everything was in motion.
Why is this needed, especially at a time like this?
People are scared about what’s happening in this country and what’s going to happen. Adults and kids alike. The worst thing that could happen right now is for people to stop trying to affect change.
We wanted to put out a positive message of resilience to kids: The truth is that you’re not always going to win. But you only lose if you give up.
What kind of response have you gotten?
It’s been really positive. It has a point of view, but it’s not mean spirited. There have been a few negative comments, but that’s okay too. Conversation is good.