To honor the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Toyota Financial Services (TFS) is continuing its support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their communities, by providing $60,000 to five HBCUs as well as the Tom Joyner Foundation, according to a press release.
“Education should be accessible to all – but many talented young minds are unable to complete their college education and realize their full potential because of the lack of financial aid,” said Mike Groff, TFS president and CEO, in the statement. “In keeping with TFS’ deeply held commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are honored to support the mission of HBCUs and help these students reach their academic and professional aspirations.”
For the third year in a row, TFS is supporting the following HCBUs by awarding them each $10,000:
Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas
Benedict College in Columbia, S.C.
Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Miss.
Winston-Salem State University in Winston Salem, N.C.
Jarvis Christian College in Hawkins, Texas
“Dr. King’s dream included the belief that young people should be given an opportunity to receive the best education possible,” said John Ridgeway, TFS Corporate Manager of TFS’ Customer Service Center in Maryland. “As a Toyota executive and an HBCU alumnus, I am proud to see Toyota Financial Services supporting these fine institutions and advocating higher education within our communities.”
TFS is donating an additional $10,000 to support the Tom Joyner Foundation, which provides academic support, scholarships, and programming to over 80 HBCUs in the Southern and Eastern United States with the contributions to support educational opportunities within many of the communities in which TFS operates.
“Financial support has become an area of critical need for a growing number of HBCUs,” added Al Smith, TFS Group Vice President, Service Operations and Corporate Planning. “Providing this support not only keeps students on track, but contributes to the sustainment of these HBCUs and helps them address the issues that impact student retention.”