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LeoBurnett.com Transforms In An Act of Solidarity for Kindness

Posted February 3, 2017

We are all human beings first. That’s the message Andrew Swinand, CEO of advertising agency, LEO Burnett wants everyone to realize.

“I know from years of experience that when a passionate group of people, with a shared vision and diverse perspectives, comes together, nothing is impossible. This is the power of the human spirit,” Swinland wrote in a LinkedIn post on February 2nd. “With this thought in mind, we made a decision on Monday to perform an act across the Leo Burnett network in the U.S.”

It started by agency employees updating all of their LinkedIn titles to “Human Being” as a symbol of unity and to illustrate shared belief that “together, our passion, creativity, and work can not only change human behavior, but create a lasting impact of good.”

The next step extended to leoburnett.com with #reverseforkindess as a simple act of solidarity.

The company’s website reads “BurnettLeo.com,” with a video explaining that Arabic is read from right to left and English is read from left to right.

The homepage introduces a flowing video with writing in reverse to show unity.

At the end of the statement, it lets you interact by writing and sharing a #reverseforkindness post on social media to show your support.The hashtag #reverseforkindness became a trending topic on Twitter Thursday afternoon.

“I would invite you to join me and my colleagues in celebrating our similarities and differences by performing a small act of recognition to that which binds us and makes us one: being human,” Swinand concluded in his post. “We are one team, standing together, with a shared voice and commitment to inclusion and kindness. Join us.”

Here are some of our favorite tweets: