From learning how to make coffee from a barista to jumping in Lake Michigan when the temperature was 39 degrees, Megan Duncan knew she had to embody Golin’s “go all in” mantra during her interview challenge. At the end of the interview process for the Unternship, Golin gives each finalist $40 to go out in Chicago and spend it doing something they have never done before.
Duncan, the 2016 Untern for Golin’s “Unternship” program came back a few months ago and get settled in Golin’s Los Angeles office.
“These young people are so amazing; This program just changed the way you hire people because you just realize there are so many dynamic and diverse people who are out there and bring a lot to the company but you have to go out and be open-minded to look for them,” said CEO Fred Cook.
“They are not all college PR grads, they are a lot of different backgrounds and I think that’s what’s exciting about it,” he added.
Cook explained that the process started in 2014 when he had a conversation with Ginger Porter, the managing director of Golin in Dallas about all the jobs he had before he started in public relations.
“I had all these weird jobs,” Cook stated. “I was a cabin boy, I was a hotel doorman, and I worked in the music business and as a tour guide and a chauffeur and all sorts of things” to which Porter responded “We would never in a million years have hired you to work here because you would’ve been too unusual for us.”
Porter suggested taking a page from the successful and unconventional career of Cook by creating a program that allows the company to recruit people that are different than everyone else.
As the untership process for 2017 is about to begin, Duncan shares her experience and story with DIVERGE.
- What made you apply for the Untern program?
I remember hearing about the Unternship and immediately thinking, “this is far too good to be true.” I was finishing up my final classes at Pepperdine University when one of my professors and mentors pulled me aside to tell me about the opportunity. She simply said, “This is 100% you. You have to apply for this.” When I read the description, I was in awe of the fact that a job description could fit my passions so accurately: unlikely adventure, unlimited creative opportunity, an unforgettable intercultural experiences, and an out-of-the-box way to approach my career. Immediately, I was all in.
- What did you do with the 40 dollars you were given to go do something UNEXPECTED/UNLIKELY during your interview?
Upon receiving the interview challenge in Chicago, my heart instantly sped up. I had under two hours, in a city I was completely unfamiliar with, to go and discover an impactful story. This was definitely one of those “think quick” sort of moments. Due to the theme of my Untern application, “illuminate”, I decided to shed light on something taken for granted. I ended up seeking out #TheStoryBehindTheCup – finding in depth insight behind coffee. I found myself learning latte art from a Puerto Rican ex-coffee-farmer-current-barista, and discussing the food science behind our morning cup of joe with a part-time nutritional analyst, part-time gypsy working for Whole Foods. To wrap up the experience, I knew I needed something memorable to cap it all off – and ended up jumping in Lake Michigan to embody Golin’s “go all in” mantra. Despite the 39 degree weather, it was 100% worth it!
- What has the experience been like?
Looking back on the Unternship, it was an absolute whirlwind. I traveled to twenty-six cities across the states in only six weeks – and managed to stay with locals everywhere along the way! I am still in awe of the relationships I made during the craziest of travels. No matter where I was, or how starkly different the cultures were, I found a steadfast community in each place I visited. Despite the chaotic state of affairs portrayed by our current news and media outlets – the Unternship painted such a beautiful and hopeful picture of America. I was blown away by the rich cultures and hospitality I came in contact with!
- How did you feel when you were selected?
I still tell people that I feel like I am describing someone else’s experience, because I still cannot fully grasp the fact that I was selected for such an incredible opportunity. I don’t think the “this can’t possibly be real” reaction ever really wore off.
- Favorite memory of the experience?
When I arrived in the fishing town of Sitka, Alaska, I was greeted at the airport by a local with two backpacking backpacks packed and ready to go. We hopped in the car and she immediately whisked us off to remote mountain roads, where we ended up hiking to a mountain peak and setting up camp for the night. She and five of her friends had spontaneously decided to go backpacking, and welcomed me into their community with such eager excitement, unexpected adventure, and the most breathtaking sunset I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s those moments – where rich local culture met stunning beauty – that sticks in my mind. It’s a landscape I’ll never forget, but it was the quality of the people inhabiting it that really made it stand out.
- Biggest lesson you learned?
Focus on making the most out of the opportunities in front of you. Life works out the best when you jump in wholeheartedly to the experiences you’re faced with, both the good and the bad. “Unlikely” is often a beautiful thing.
- Most UNLIKELY experience?
I think my unlikely experiences were defined by the unlikely friends I encountered along the way – from a Neverland-esque treehouse-owning hippie in Hawaii, to a wise furniture-maker and community leader in Nashville, to a Georgian family eagerly inviting a stranger into their home, to a rural ranch family in Colorado. The culmination of diverse people created the unlikely experience.
- What was the reaction of your family/friends when you told them you were doing this?
On one hand, they were absolutely amazed and excited about the opportunity. On the other hand, they were completely not surprised that I would be joining a company with this “go all in” mentality, and were incredibly encouraging all along the way.
- How excited are you to join Golin- which office are you joining and what are you most looking forward to?
I have actually already been in the Los Angeles office for a couple months now! I am incredibly happy making LA my home office, and have been blown away by how welcoming the office has been here. I will not only be doing creative work here, but also rotating through various roles in the office this year to understand what Golin looks like from all sides. I’m looking forward to spending this year not only pushing my own creative bounds, but also gaining holistic perspective within Golin – not to mention constantly learning from the amazing coworkers and mentors here.
- What is something you would share with someone applying for the 2017 intern program?
They aren’t kidding when they say “go all in”! Push the bounds, be bold, and use your application to really showcase who you are as a person. It’s the out-of-the-box personality that is defined by adventure, drive, challenge, fearlessness – and all of that can show in the way you come across in your application.
- What is your advice for future candidates who want to be an Untern?
Live a life like the Unternship on a daily basis – always find ways to improvise, take risks, seek out the adventure, make unlikely friendships, exercise creativity… Above all, look to learn and understand the world from a different perspective.