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School of Thought’s Holiday Card: An Attempt To Rebrand Fruitcake

Posted December 23, 2016

San Fransisco based agency, School of Thought decided to rebrand fruitcake and created a nonfictional focus group to weigh in on the rebranding campaigns.  The video link was then sent to clients and friends on gift packages that read, “We wanted to send you a fruitcake but our focus group told us not to.”  The gifts inside are a “deconstructed” fruitcake, with three boxes containing apricot hearts, cocoa almonds, and citrus and berry fruttini.

The School of Thought Team explained the story behind the fruitcake: 

Where did this idea come from?
We were trying to come up with a client gift. Someone as a joke said, “Why don’t we send them fruitcake?” which was immediately dismissed as ridiculous but simultaneously sent us down the rabbit hole of “Why don’t we rebrand fruitcake to something they would actually enjoy?”.

Why fruitcake?
Fruitcake has notoriously received a bad rep while historically being a beloved holiday tradition.

What kind of response/feedback have you received?
Positive, seen as a humorous. Genuine surprise that we went this far. Compliments on the creativity.

How long did it take to launch?

We did the whole thing in 1 month.

How long will it stay up?
Indefinitely. Probably a couple of months.

Who was the team behind this?
ECD: Tom Geary
ACD: Ben Bellayuto
CW: Nick Comney
DP: Conor Hagen
Senior Editor: John Buscaglia
AD/Junior Editor: Sydney Sharek
Project Managers: Jenny Hardin, Karina Kondachkova
Production Assistant: Taylor Reid